All Natural: How Your Chiropractor Uses Your Body’s Own Systems to Heal Itself
December 19, 2023

The human body truly is a remarkable thing. So many systems, including the digestive system, nervous system, respiratory system, and blood circulation, work together to keep a human alive and thriving. One of the most incredible features of the human body is that it has the capability to recover after injury or sickness.
Unfortunately, some medical doctors can focus on one problem and treat the symptoms so much that they forget the big picture and the underlying cause. Not chiropractors—they have a whole-body approach and help it use its own processes to regain health.
How Does Your Body Heal Itself?
Although you cannot regrow a lost limb, the body is a self-healing organism by design. For example, if you break your arm, the bone can reattach and overcome this injury. In this instance, if the bone is properly aligned, given enough time your body will mend correctly. However, without guidance and treatment, the bone could “heal” in unhealthy ways, leading to lifelong struggles with pain and impaired function.
The same concept goes for spinal injuries. Your body may fight to heal, but unless you are treated by an expert in spinal alignment, the ligaments, muscles, and tendons can take much longer to heal or even cause lingering discomfort now and in the future.
What Does a Chiropractor Do to Assist the Body’s Natural Healing?
While some other doctors immediately turn to medications to manage pain, chiropractors take a different approach. They take advantage of your body’s own processes and systems with non-invasive treatments to get the same pain-relieving results—without drugs or surgery.
When you’ve been injured, either in a sudden accident or from repeated bad posture, the spine can become improperly aligned, placing pressure on certain nerves and increasing pain. When the vertebrae and soft tissues are adjusted to where they are supposed to be by a chiropractor, your body “remembers” and resumes this ideal alignment, relieving pain and allowing you to go about your day more normally.
When Should You Work with a Chiropractor?
Sometimes, people mistakenly think that you must have experienced a car accident or be suffering from whiplash to see a chiropractor. However, this professional can help with acute and chronic pain of almost any kind.
Whether you’ve slipped a disc, slouch at your desk at work, or pick up a heavy object wrong, your chiropractor can act as a guide to help your body back to healthy alignment. Regular adjustments, even if you aren’t in pain, can help you not only avoid injuries but also lessen the time it takes to heal when one does happen.
In the end, your body may consist of many complicated systems, but with a little push in the right direction from your chiropractor, it can get beyond spinal injuries and feel better!
About the Author
Dr. Zinovy Chukhman, who prefers to be called Dr. Z, has worked in rehabilitation for more than 20 years. He is certified in all four levels by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and uses various treatment techniques, including Gonstead, flexion-distraction, Graston, and others. He considers himself a holistic chiropractor, meaning he treats the entire body, not just one isolated part. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Z, contact AlignRight Injury & Rehab near Dallas by calling or visiting the Contact Us page here.
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