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Chiropractor or Massage Therapist: Who Can Help You?

October 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dallaschiroteam @ 12:46 pm
chiropractor holding a patient’s head

Let’s say you have back or neck pain. You don’t know exactly what the problem stems from, but you know you need help! You’ve heard that chiropractors are supposed to treat back pain, but you wonder whether a massage could do the trick. Where should you turn?

To the untrained beholder, chiropractors and massage therapists seem to do the same thing, but they are quite different in multiple ways. Find out what distinguishes a massage therapist from a chiropractor and how to decide on the treatment(s) that would best help you feel better.

What a Massage Therapist Does

When you go to a massage therapist, their main objective is to relieve tension, stiffness and pain in your muscles and soft tissues. By massaging and applying slight pressure, these professionals bring blood flow to the muscles, helping your body heal and relax naturally.

Often, massage therapists also take advantage of oils and lotions in treatment to further ease tension in muscles. That’s something you won’t see your chiropractor do!

What a Chiropractor Does

In contrast to a massage therapist, a chiropractor primarily focuses on the “hard tissues”—joints, pelvis, spine, as well as the entire musculoskeletal system. Keep in mind, however, patients who experience difficulty with movement, pain, numbness, or tingling often can benefit from chiropractic care because these symptoms can result from alignment issues.

When these hard tissues are not in their proper alignment, they can touch or irritate the delicate nervous system around them, causing pain and other unpleasant issues. Chiropractic adjustments restore the body’s natural alignment, allowing it to heal through its own non-invasive processes.

Why You Should Consider Working with Both

If you are unsure about the origin of your pain, it might be best to see a chiropractor first. They can take X-rays and help determine the cause. Then, you can know which professional you should work with.

In many cases, patients can benefit from seeing both on a semi-regular basis. While your chiropractor can take pressure off nerves by realigning joints or the spine, your massage therapist can release tension in your muscles. Together these treatments can relieve pain, improve your ability to move and range of motion, and help you feel more comfortable in daily functions.

To deal with your back or neck pain, consider going to a chiropractor to get a better understanding of your condition, but just keep in mind that both may be able to help you feel your best again and give back your quality of life.

About the Author

At AlignRight Injury & Rehab, Dr. Zinovy Chukhman uses many treatment methods to help his patients feel better, including flexion-distraction, Gonstead, Graston, and other techniques. He has more than 20 years of experience treating injuries and can guide patients to treatments that will facilitate healing. If you would like to schedule an appointment with him, reach out to the office near Dallas online or call 972-907-2800.

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