5 Treatments for Chronic Back Pain Without Surgery
October 27, 2022

Every day you deal with some amount of back pain. This cannot only limit your productivity, but it can also impact your quality of life. Although surgery may be a viable option, you want to avoid having to undergo invasive procedures as much as possible. Fortunately, there are alternatives that you can and should explore. Here are just five of these other options that can treat chronic back pain without surgery.
In the short term, there are a number of injections you can receive to help with chronic back pain, such as muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, or nerve blocks. However, they are not intended for long-term use and only work for a certain amount of time before the effects wear off. These are typically used toward the beginning of treatment or in conjunction with other therapies for the best results.
Physical Therapy
Whether you’re recovering from a major injury or simply trying to combat chronic pain, physical therapy is a great place to start. Once you are trained in beneficial exercises and stretches, you can work to build strength in your core, which supports your back, and learn ways to keep these muscles, tendons, and ligaments loose and flexible. Correcting posture and being more physically fit can really help you stay away from back pain!
If you have pain that is almost constant, it can really have a heavy impact on your mental health. In fact, it can become incredibly frustrating and increase your risk of depression or other conditions that only make your health worse. To stay positive, learn to focus on other aspects of your life and practice mindfulness to live beyond chronic pain.
Chiropractic Adjustments
Getting your back treated on a regular basis with your chiropractor ensures that your spine is properly aligned and can significantly reduce your pain by keeping pressure off the nerves in your back.
Lifestyle Changes
While you may not be able to eliminate certain tasks from your to-do list, you can modify them to avoid triggering back pain. For instance, while mowing the lawn, take plenty of breaks to stretch, or take in the groceries in multiple trips instead of one. These small changes can alleviate the pressure on your spine and back, allowing you to enjoy more pain-free days.
Ultimately, sometimes surgery is necessary, but in many situation, you should do what you can to avoid it. When it comes to chronic back pain, you have solutions you can try that can help you manage your pain and live a better life with less pain and without having to go under the knife.
About the Author
Dr. Zinovy Chukhman, or Dr. Z, is certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, a distinction achieved by very few chiropractors around the country. For patients who have suffered either from an injury or chronic pain, Dr. Z’s first objective is to relieve discomfort, but he is also focused on helping everyone lead healthier lifestyles. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Z, you can contact AlignRight Injury & Rehab online or by calling 972-907-2800.
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