How to Handle a Car Accident During Pregnancy
January 11, 2020

You’re driving home from the store, where you just purchased some adorable baby items for the nursery you’ve been putting together. You take your eyes off the road for only a split second to see your round belly ripple as the baby inside you kicks excitedly. But then, you don’t see the car in front of you slam on their breaks until it’s too late to avoid a fender bender. Luckily, you weren’t traveling too fast, but you’re still a little shaken up. What should you do next? How does your pregnancy affect what you do? Should you call your car accident doctor in Dallas? Here are some things you should do to have the best possible outcome.
Assess the Situation
In the moments after the accident, you need to review what just happened. Did you hurt your head or break any bones? Did you sustain any physical blow to your abdomen? If so, you should stop and call 911 or visit the emergency room as soon as possible. You or your baby could be injured and need immediate medical attention. Other concerning symptoms to watch for are contractions, severe abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and a change in position or a lack of movement in the baby.
Even if you seem completely uninjured, your unborn child could suffer trauma from the accident. For example, an abrupt impact during a crash could cause the placenta to detach from the uterine wall, which stops the flow of blood to the baby. If you are unsure whether your abdomen was impacted, it is better to err on the side of caution and make sure your child is still safe. At minimum, you may want EMTs to check you both out and schedule an appointment with your obstetrician.
Follow Car Accident Procedures
If you are able, collect the other driver’s information, call the police, and give your own insurance company a call to get the claims process started. However, depending on the situation, you may not be able to get this before leaving the scene of the accident (e.g., you’re being taken to the hospital). At least, try to get pictures of their information and license plates for your records. The police should also have this information in their report of the accident.
Call Your Chiropractor
Once you’ve established that you and your baby have not suffered serious injury in the days following the accident, you should seriously consider visiting your chiropractor in Dallas. Even if you don’t initially feel neck or back pain, these symptoms can come up later on. It’s a good idea to get chiropractic treatment so that you can be in better shape preparing for your little one’s arrival.
In the end, you need to do what’s best for you and your baby if you are in a car accident. By following these tips, you can make sure that you both come out as safely as possible and look forward to bringing your precious baby into the world.
About the Author
Dr. Z is certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and takes continuing education courses to keep his skills up-to-date with many chiropractic treatment methods. One of his areas of interest is the treatment and recovery of those who have experienced an accident or injury. If you have questions about what to do after an accident, you can contact Dr. Z at AlignRight Injury & Rehab.
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